Jie gained a science degree from the university in her home city near Beijing, then taught chemistry at a high school in Shanghai. During this time she arranged a short assignment at Cambridge University, and a couple of years later moved to the UK along with her family. She took up a permanent position in student services at an international college in Cambridge, where her responsibilities included language and pastoral support. Jie will be using her experience and language skills to interface with parents and agents, and help students settle in their new country and schools. “I am happy and willing to help young people, and always let the students feel welcome and respected when talking to me.”
Jie大学毕业后一直从事高中化学的教学工作,出国前,曾在上海的一所市重点高中就职,具有多年带高考毕业班的经验。在此期间,她接受了剑桥大学的一项短期工作。几年后与家人一起移居英国。来到英国后,Jie任职于剑桥的一所国际学校,担任中国顾问老师。她的主要职责是帮助中国留学生,并且提供语言帮助与生活关爱。Jie 希望用她的经验和技能与家长和中介合作,更好地帮助未成年的孩子,在异国他乡也感受到妈妈般的关爱与帮助,尽快地适应英国的学习与生活。“我很高兴也非常愿意帮助我的学生们,希望他们在与我的交流中感受到尊重与接纳”。