Yesterday UK PM Boris Johnson made a significant statement to the UK Parliament on the plan for relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions and the return to school. The target for vaccinations in the top …
Update about school re-opening in March 2021
Last week UK PM Boris Johnson made a significant statement on Covid-19 to the UK Parliament. The number of new cases of Covid-19 infection is falling, but hospital admissions and occupancy …
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Confidence in the remaining school year
While 2020 was not a good year globally, with the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic leading to many health, economic, and personal tragedies. In the UK, 2021 has started with challenges, but also …
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Creative thinking in the UK boarding schools market the key to survival.
It’s a very competitive world Boarding schools are facing-the market was competitive pre-Covid-19 but the reality is some schools won’t survive and won’t re-open in September 2020. So how can schools …
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How can boarding schools help smooth the transition to university for International students.
As parents know, selecting a university is about more than accessing the latest subject and university rankings. The challenge is even harder for parents who may be several thousand miles away, writes …
How safety is moving up the agenda for international students and their families.
Maryland lawmakers have approved a bill that will allow Johns Hopkins University to form its own, private police force to enforce the law on campus. Meanwhile, in the UK, over the past three years, …